2012.05.31 Update!!
Run Jetty Run
Running a web application in Eclipse should be as simple as ‘clicking run’.
- Home Site : http://code.google.com/p/run-jetty-run/
- Update Site : http://run-jetty-run.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/updatesite
- Full maven support , simply run maven J2EE project without any config
This is a plugin for the Eclipse JavaScript Development Tools (JSDT) that adds jQuery autocompletion support.
- Home Site : http://code.google.com/a/eclipselabs.org/p/jsdt-jquery/
- Update Site : http://svn.codespot.com/a/eclipselabs.org/jsdt-jquery/updatesite
- If you have trouble installing this plugin it’s likely that you don’t have Eclipse 3.7
StartExplorer Eclipse
This plug-in offers tight integration of system file manager
(Windows Explorer, Gnome Nautilus, KDE Konqueror, Mac Finder, …) and shell (cmd.exe, Linux/Mac terminal) in Eclipse
- Home Site : http://basti1302.github.com/startexplorer/
- Update Site : http://basti1302.github.com/startexplorer/update/
- Eclipse 3.3 (may work with earlier versions, I have not tested these)
- JRE 1.5 or better (you’ll have that covered if you’re running Eclipse 3.3 or above)
JAutodoc is an Eclipse Plugin for automatically adding Javadoc and file headers to your source code.
It optionally generates initial comments from element name by using Velocity templates for Javadoc and file headers
- Home Site : http://jautodoc.sourceforge.net/
- Update Site : http://jautodoc.sourceforge.net/update/
JadClipse (Java Decompiler Plugin)
Imagine you have several libraries you are using for the project and you haven’t got the source code.
There is an error and you need to see the sourcecode to find out what is going wrong. What will you do?
JadClipse plugin comes to the rescue in this situation.
- Home Site : http://jadclipse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
- Update Site : http://jadclipse.sf.net/update
Plugin which simplifies your logging in java files. You can configure it with the popular logging utilities like log4j.
It has got some nice features log varibale/method/class and can easily replace all System.outs with log statements
- Home Site : http://log4e.jayefem.de/
- Update Site : http://log4e.jayefem.de/update
Subclipse is svn plugin
- Home Site : http://subclipse.tigris.org/
- Update Site : http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.8.x
SpringSource Tool Suite
SpringSource Tool Suite™ (STS) provides the best Eclipse-powered development environment
for building Spring-powered enterprise applications. STS supplies tools for all of the latest enterprise Java,
Spring, Groovy and Grails based technologies as well as the most advanced tooling available for enterprise OSGi development.
- Home Site : http://www.springsource.com/developer/sts
- Update Site : http://www.springsource.com/downloads/sts
It is a eclipse plugin to help create regular expressions (regex).
The goal is to make it as easy and as fast as possible to create Regex.
- Home Site : http://myregexp.com/eclipsePlugin.html
- Update Site : http://regex-util.sourceforge.net/update/
Hex Editor Plugin (EHEP)
EHEP is an Eclipse plugin, which allows user to view or modify any file in hex mode.
Plugin provides table with hex and character view of the file
- Home Site : http://ehep.sourceforge.net/
- Update Site : http://ehep.sourceforge.net/update
- Eclipse 3.4.x or newer;
- Java Runtime Environment 5, 6 or newer;
System Search
system and desktop search
- Home Site : http://mcuoneclipse.wordpress.com/2012/04/06/5-best-eclipse-plugins-3-system-and-desktop-search/
- Download Site : http://www.steinerberg.com/EmbeddedComponents/System%20Search/com.nokia.search.system_2.0.0.201102171254.jar
WickedShell gives my access to the system shell/console within eclipse.This is very handy
as I do not need to leave eclipse for things I want to do in a DOS shell: I use the WickedShell inside eclipse.
- Home Site : http://mcuoneclipse.wordpress.com/2012/03/31/5-best-eclipse-plugins-5/
- Update Site :
Bravo JSP
Bravo JSP editor is a WYSIWYG JSP/html editor.
- Home Site : http://bravo.comxa.com/
- Demo Site : http://bravo.comxa.com/demo6.php
- Update Site : http://bravo.comxa.com/update
- Install Guide Site : http://bravo.comxa.com/install_e35.php
GES tool is the result of integrating the Google Desktop Search (GDS) engine into IBM’s Eclipse development environment
to improve searching in software projects in a manner similar to searching the internet or your own desktop.
- Home Site : http://ges.sourceforge.net/
- Download Site : http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=173253
Properties Editor
This editor can directly edit property files written in Unicode reference characters, and
saves the time and effort of converting into Unicode through native2ascii.
In addition to the usual functions of an editor, the plugin is integrated with Eclipse.
Files can be opened in the IDE and saved in Unicode. It can use by intuitive
and simple operation.
(2009.05.23) The editor(Eclipse plug-in) had the hover display of the property
on the Java editor and the jump function to the property reference part.
- Home Site : http://propedit.sourceforge.jp/index_en.html
- Update Site : http://propedit.sourceforge.jp/eclipse/updates/
Eclipse Wiki
This Eclipse plugin is a simple personal or project Wiki. A Wiki is many things,
but in the context of Eclipse, it is a powerful project documentation tool linking documentation to eclipse resources,
web sites, bug tracking tools and other Wikis.
- Home Site : http://eclipsewiki.sourceforge.net/
- Update Site : http://www.stateofflow.com/UpdateSite
M2Eclipse (Maven)
The goal of the Eclipse m2eclipse project is to provide Apache Maven support in the Eclipse IDE,
making it easier to edit Maven’s pom.xml, run a build from the IDE and much more. For Java developers,
the very tight integration with JDT greatly simplifies the consumption of Java artifacts.
- Home Site : http://www.sonatype.org/m2eclipse
- Update Site : http://download.eclipse.org/technology/m2e/releases
EGit is an Eclipse Team provider for the Git version control system.
Git is a distributed SCM, which means every developer has a full copy of all history of every revision of the code,
making queries against the history very fast and versatile.
- Home Site : http://www.eclipse.org/egit/
- Update Site : http://download.eclipse.org/egit/updates
PyDev (Python IDE)
PyDev is a Python IDE for Eclipse, which may be used in Python, Jython and IronPython development.
- Home Site : http://pydev.org/index.html
- Update Site : http://update-production-pydev.s3.amazonaws.com/pydev/updates/
- Java 5 or higher (java 6 recommended)
GmailClipse (Gmail for Eclipse)
GmailClipse is a plugin for Eclipse 3.x to use Gmail accounts inside Eclipse IDE.
Uses port 80, so if you don’t have acces to POP in your office you can find this plugin very useful.
- Home Site : http://tabaquismo.freehosting.net/ignacio/eclipse/gmailclipse/gmail-eclipse.htm
- Download Site : http://sourceforge.net/projects/gmclipse/files/
SQL Explorer
Eclipse SQL Explorer is a thin SQL client that allows you to query and browse any JDBC compliant database.
It supports plugins with specialized functionality for individual databases (Oracle, DB2 and MySQL) and
can be extended to include specialized support for other databases.
- Home Site : http://www.sqlexplorer.org/
- Update Site : http://eclipsesql.sourceforge.net/
Toad for Oracle
This plugin is created by Quest Software themselves and is available as a FREE download from the Eclipse Market Place
- Home Site : http://www.quest.kr/toad-extension-for-eclipse/
- Update Site : http://community-downloads.quest.com/toadsoft/toadextensions/eclipse/freeware/
Grep Console
Grep Console allows you to define a series of regular expressions which will be tested against the console output.
Each expression matching a line will affect the style of either the entire line or parts of it. For example,
error messages could be set to show up with a red background, or integer values showing
the state of a certain variable could be rendered in bold font.
- Home Site : http://marian.musgit.com/projects_grepconsole.php
- Update Site : http://eclipse.musgit.com
- Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede) or higher and Java 5.0 or higher.
Eclipse Status Monitor
The Eclipse Status Memory Monitor Plugin offers the continiously dynamic inspection of the Eclipse IDE’s memory consumption
and the automatic and forced execution of garbage collection for the Eclipse IDE.
The Status Memory Monitor installs itself into the Eclipse status line area and is customizable to the users needs.
- Home Site : http://www.kyrsoft.com/downloads/downloads.html
- Update Site : http://www.kyrsoft.com/updates/
Hibernate Tool
Working with Hibernate is very easy and developers enjoy using the APIs and the query language.
Even creating mapping metadata is not an overly complex task once you’ve mastered the basics.
Hibernate Tools makes working with Hibernate or JPA even more pleasant.
- Home Site : http://www.hibernate.org/subprojects/tools.html
- Update Site : http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/stable/
MoreUnit is an Eclipse plugin that should assist you in writing more unit tests. This is a short overview of the features it provides
- Home Site : http://moreunit.sourceforge.net/
- Update Site : http://moreunit.sourceforge.net/update-site/
JSON Editor
The JSON Editor is a simple plugin for the Eclipse IDE that provides: – Color text highlighting
– An Outline Tree view – JSON validation – Text formatting – Text folding for the JSON data format.
- Home Site : http://sourceforge.net/projects/eclipsejsonedit/
- Download Site : http://sourceforge.net/projects/eclipsejsonedit/files/latest/download
Eclipse Color Theme
The Eclipse Color Theme plugin makes it possible to switch color themes conveniently
and without side effects. It includes the most popular themes from eclipsecolorthemes.org,
but you can add any theme created on the site by exporting it as XML.
- Home Site : http://www.eclipsecolorthemes.org
- Download Site : http://eclipse-color-theme.github.com/update/
FindBugs plug-in is used with eclipse IDE and it is the software used to find bugs in Java programs.
It’s free software licensed under Lesser GNU Public License.
This is one of the most popular eclipse plugins and also available on Maven, Netbeans and IntelliJ.
- Home Site : http://findbugs.sourceforge.net/
- Download Site :
http://findbugs.cs.umd.edu/eclipse (official releases)
http://findbugs.cs.umd.edu/eclipse-candidate (candidate releases and official releases)
http://findbugs.cs.umd.edu/eclipse-daily (all releases, including development ones
Checkstyle plug-ins can be integrated to IDE Eclipse and it ensures the Java code follows the coding standards.
- Home Site : http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/
- Update Site : http://sevntu-checkstyle.github.com/sevntu.checkstyle/update-site/
ECLemma is a free tool available through Eclipse Public License and it provides fast development and test cycles.
You can use “launch” in the code coverage mode which works like actual run/debug mode.
One can render the analysis of the code through coverage view, source highlighting, counters and sessions.
- Home Site : http://www.eclemma.org/
- Update Site : http://update.eclemma.org/
JDepend4Eclipse helps to traverse file directories and assists in measuring the quality of design.
It is an open source tool licensed under Eclipse Public License v1.0.
- Home Site : http://andrei.gmxhome.de/jdepend4eclipse/index.html
- Update Site : http://andrei.gmxhome.de/eclipse/
PMD is a source code analyzer which helps to detect used variables and bad codes.
- Home Site : http://pmd.sourceforge.net/integrations.html
- Update Site : http://pmd.sf.net/eclipse
SourceHelper helps to code and debug, and it also aids in providing clarity to the written code.
- Home Site : http://hexapixel.com/projects/sourcehelper
- Update Site:
Structure101 helps to influence architecture when the code is edited,
which means you can change the architecture without disrupting the code.
- Home Site : http://www.headwaysoftware.com/products/structure101/plugins/
- Download Site : http://www.headwaysoftware.com/downloads/
Vrapper is an eclipse plugin which acts as a wrapper for eclipse text editors
to provide a Vim-like input scheme for moving around and editing text.
- Home Site : http://vrapper.sourceforge.net/home/
- Update Site : http://vrapper.sourceforge.net/update-site/stable
Reference Site
- http://www.shankh.com/top-10-eclipse-plugins/
- http://www.fromdev.com/2012/01/25-best-free-eclipse-plug-ins-for-java.html
- http://www.roseindia.net/eclipse/plugins/database/index.shtml
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