
1.Locks Holders and Requests

àDisplays blocking user session, the locked object, and the sessions requesting the object

select distinct sh.username||'('||sh.sid||')' "Lock Holder"

,ao.object_name "Object",





from v$session sh, all_objects ao, v$lock l, v$session sr

where l.id1 = ao.object_id

and sh.sid = l.sid

and sh.lockwait is  null

and sr.lockwait is not null

and l.type='TM'

 order by 1,2,3


2.Memory Allocated Current Count

àReturns the amount of memory currently allocated to all sessions

select sum(value)

from v$statname n,v$sesstat s

where n.statistic#=s.statistic#

and name='session uga memory'


3.Memory Allocated Max count

àReturns the maximum amount of memory allocated to all sessions

select sum(value)

from v$statname n,v$sesstat s

where n.statistic#=s.statistic#

and name='session uga memory max'


4.MTS Circuit Report

àReturns information regarding the virtual circuits in the shared server

select  rawtohex(c.circuit) "Address",

d.name "Dispatcher",ss.name "Server",


s.status,c.queue, c.messages, c.bytes

from v$circuit c, v$dispatcher d, v$session s, v$shared_server ss

where c.dispatcher = d.paddr(+)

and c.server = ss.paddr(+)

and c.saddr = s.saddr(+)

order by c.circuit


5.MTS Dispatcher Report

àReturns information regarding the dispatcher process in the shared server

select name, status, accept, messages, bytes

owned, created, idle*100 "IDLE", busy*100 "BUSY",

round((busy/(idle + busy))*100) "Percent Busy"

from v$dispatcher

order by name


6.MTS Processes

àLists user, dispatcher, server and user process information for a multi-threaded environment

select sess.username,


cir.queue "Query Location",

dis.name "Disp Name",

dis.status "Disp status",

ss.name "Serv Name",

ss.status "Serv Status"

from v$circuit cir, v$session sess, v$dispatcher dis, v$shared_server ss

where sess.saddr =  cir.saddr

and cir.dispatcher = dis.paddr

and cir.server = ss.paddr(+)


7.MTS Queue Report

àAverage number of seconds that a shared server request waited in the queue

Select rawtohex(paddr) Address,

Type,queued,wait,totalq, round(decode(totalq,0,0,wait/(totalq * 0.1))) Average wait

From v$queue

Order by paddr


8.MTS Shared Server Report

àDisplay various information regarding the shared server processes.

select name,

rawtohex(paddr) "Paddr",

status,messages,bytes,messages/bytes "Average Bytes",

breaks, rawtohex(circuit) "Circuit", requests,

idle*.01 "Idle", busy*.01 "Idle",

round(busy/(idle+busy)*100) "Percent Busy"

from v$shared_server

order by name


9.Open Transaction Count

à Returns a count of open transactions [Use as a proxy for system overhead]

Select sum(xacts)

From v$rollstat


10.Parse Efficiency

àPercentage of time that SQL Statement were parsed only once

select round(sum(decode(name,'opened cursors cumulative',value,0))

/sum(decode(name,'parse count',value,0))*100,2)

from v$sysstat


11.Parse Report

àReturns various parse information

select ptc.value "Parse Time CPU",

pte.value "Parse Time Elapsed",

pc.value "Parse Count"

from v$sysstat ptc, v$sysstat pte, v$sysstat pc

where ptc.statistic#=96

and pte.statistic#=97

and pc.statistic#=98


12.Physical Read Count

àTotal Number of physical reads

Select sum(value)

From v$sysstat

Where name=physical read


13.Process Report

àInformation about background and user process currently accessing the database

select p.pid, p.spid, p.username, s.username "Oracle User" ,

decode(s.terminal,null,p.terminal,s.terminal) Terminal,

decode(s.program,null,p.program,s.program) Program,

p.latchwait, s.lockwait,

decode(s.command,0,'None',nvl(a.name,'Unknown')) Command

from audit_actions a, v$process p ,v$session s

where s.paddr = p.addr

and a.action(+) = s.command


14.Recursive Calls Count

àTotal number of recursive calls(Oracle issued SQL Statements)

select value

from v$sysstat

where name='recursive calls'


15.Redo Log Allocation Latch Contention

àPercentage of time that a process attempted to acquire a redo log latch hold by another process

 select round(greatest(
(sum(decode(ln.name,'redo copy',misses,0))
/ greatest(sum(decode(ln.name,'redo copy', gets,0)),1)),
(sum(decode(ln.name,'redo allocation',misses,0))
/greatest(sum(decode(ln.name,'redo allocation',gets,0)),1)),
(sum(decode(ln.name,'redo copy', immediate_misses,0))
/greatest(sum(decode(ln.name,'redo copy', immediate_gets,0))
+sum(decode(ln.name,'redo copy',immediate_misses,0)),1)),
(sum(decode(ln.name,'redo allocation',immediate_misses,0))
/greatest(sum(decode(ln.name,'redo allocation',immediate_gets,0))
+sum(decode(ln.name,'redo allocation',immediate_misses,0)),1)))*100,2)
from v$latch l, v$latchname ln
where l.latch# = ln.latch#


16.Redo Log Buffer Contention

àNumber of times a user process waited for redo log buffer space

select value

from v$sysstat

where name='redo log space waittime'


17.Redo Log Report Assorted Information regarding the redo logs

select sum(decode(name,'redo blocks written',value,0)) "Block Writes",

sum(decode(name,'redo entried',value,0)) "Entries",

sum(decode(name,'redo size', value,0)) "Size",

sum(decode(name,'redo log space requests',value,0)) "Space Requests",

sum(decode(name,'redo synch writes',value,0))"Synch Writes" ,

sum(decode(name,'redo writes',value,0)) "Writes"

from v$sysstat


18.Reload Efficiency

àPercentage of time that SQL Statements were reloaded

Select round((1-(sum(reloads)/sum(pins)))*100,2)

From v$librarycache


19.Rollback Segment Contention

àPercentage that a request for data  resulted in a wait for a rollback segment

Select round(sum(waits)/sum(gets),2)

From v$rollstat


20.Rollback Segment Current Report

àShows which rollback segments contain active transactions from which users

select n.usn

, n.name

, s.username Name

, s.osuser

, rs.extents

, rs.wraps

, rs.rssize "SIze(Bytes)"

from v$rollname n, v$rollstat rs, v$session s, v$transaction t

where t.addr = s.taddr(+)

and rs.usn(+) = n.usn

and t.xidusn(+) = n.usn

and rs.status = 'ONLINE'

order by n.usn

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