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(보통때엔 SqlClient 와 MSSQL,Mysql,Oracle 만 사용했었는데, 이번에 우연히 Interbase 와 .net CF연동땜시 이리저리 구하려고 쫒아다니다가 알아내었네여 ;;)


링크 답니다 ^ㅡ^;


http://www.codemaker.co.uk/it/tips/ado_conn.htm (자세한곳은 이곳에~)


ADO Connection String Samples

This page contains sample ADO connection strings for ODBC DSN / DSN-Less, OLE DB Providers, Remote Data Services (RDS), MS Remote, and MS DataShape.

Also included are ADO.NET connection strings for MySQL, ODBC, OLE DB, Oracle, and SQL Server .NET Data Providers.

These sample connection strings are compiled by Carl Prothman, a Microsoft ASP.NET MVP and Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP)

If you have an ADO or ADO.NET connection string that is not listed below, or you see an connection string that does not have the correct setting, please send an email to Carl Prothman.  Thanks!

Table of Contents



'SQL > DBMS설정,커넥팅' 카테고리의 다른 글

java oracle jdbc로 연결하여 값 출력  (0) 2014.06.11
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안녕하세요 현직 개발자 입니다 ~ 빠르게 변화하는 세상에 뒤쳐지지 않도록 우리모두 열심히 공부합시다 ~! 개발공부는 넘나 재미있는 것~!
